Setting Up Notifications

Notifications can be set to both your email and your cell phone by the follows 3 steps.

1. Enable device for notification

Ensure the device is ready to send notifications by selecting an Offline Alert time and an Alert Reminder Interval. Both of these should be enabled. We recommend 30 Minutes for an Offline Alert Time and 1 Hr for an Alert Reminder Interval.

Offline: Controls how notifications are sent based on communication between the EA800-ip and Winland Cloud Service.                                                                                                                            

Alert Reminder Interval: Sends out the initial notification the instant the alarm is active, and sends a reminder based on the time set, based if the alarm has not cleared.

NOTE: Device settings can take up to 10 minutes to take effect. When settings are saved on the device edit screen, you may need to wait up to 10 minutes for notifications to be fully enabled. Once enabled you should get notifications nearly instantly. 



2. Make a Notification Profile.

Go to the Profiles Tab and click on Add Profile next to Notification Profile. Select the sensors you want to be notified on and label it. It's most common to create a Notification Profile with the title "All Sensors" and selecting everything.


3. Link Notification profile with a User account.

Go back to Account Administration and select the user you want notified. Under the secondary email you will see Notification Profile and a drop down box. Select the notification you made in step 2. Save and now that user is linked to the profile which linked to a device/sensors.



This will automatically send notifications to both the primary and the secondary email. Secondary email is generally recommended for text notifications. 






Reverse DNS:,,

SPF and DKIM are both validate for:

Alerts Email Address:

Password Resets & Schedule Reporting Email Address:


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