EA-200 Programming

Unlocking the EA-200

You will need to unlock the unit by pressing "ALARM SILENCE" and "ENTER" both down, and then releasing them at the exact same time. You do not need to press them down at the same time, but releasing them at the same time is critical to unlocking. The padlock will show open. To lock, repeat the process. 


Quick links

Sensor Programming

Time Programming

 Alarm History


Sensor Programming

The EA-200 has one internal temperature sensor already in place for ZONE 1, this sensor probe is used for ambient room temperature, such as an IT server room, or a storage closet. Do NOT place the EA-200 inside a cooler or freezer, this will damage the board. Use ZONE 2 (external probe) for coolers or freezers. 

ZONE 2 allows for external probe, such as the HA-III+ (HA-III+ cannot be placed inside a cooler or freezer), WaterBug or Temperature probe. ZONE 2 is most often used with coolers or freezers.  


Once unlocked, press "ZONE". A number will flash indicating what zone you are working on. Hit increase or decrease to swap between zones. Once you are in the zone you which to change, press "ENTER"  to accept the setting and move to the next, while "INCREASE" and "DECREASE" will change the value:


1. Probe type: 


Zone 1 will only give you the option for °F, °C, or NO


NO Not Operable, disables the zone.
Water Droplet W-S-S (W-S-U for additional probes) Water sensor. Max of 6 sensors per Zone. 
% HA-III+. Humidity Senor
F For old probe (used on DTA, UTA, TA-2HLD, TA-3HLD models). Display readings in Fahrenheit
F Blue TEMP-L-S, TEMP-L-W, Blue type probe. Display readings in Fahrenheit
F Red TEMP-H-S, TEMP-H-W, Red type probe. Display reading in Fahrenheit
C For old probe (used on DTA, UTA, TA-2HLD, TA-3HLD models). Display readings in Celsius
C Blue TEMP-L-S, TEMP-L-W, Blue type probe. Display readings in Celsius
C Red TEMP-H-S, TEMP-H-W, Red type probe. Display reading in Celsius

2. High Limit: High should be flashing

Trigger point for alarm, on when temperature or humidity reaches too warm. 

3. Low Limit: Low should be flashing

Trigger point for alarm, on when temperature or humidity reaches too cold.

4. Time delay: Small hourglass should show, number is flashing.

Will hold relay from tripping until time reserve has been met. In minute increments from 0 minutes (instant relay) to 120 minutes, (2 hour delay).

5. Relay setting: Arrow flashing down

Will point to Energize or De-Energize (default).

An easy way to decide which one you wish to use Energize is if you wish to desire to monitor loss of power. As loss of power will trip the relay as well. 

Energize will reverse the polarity of relay, thus a normally closed connection will be placed on NO&C on the Output. 

De-Energized is the most common usage, and will not trip on loss of power. 



Time delays are most often linked with defrost cycles. Thus it is recommend to communicate with the manufacturer to view how long the system is in defrost. Winland cannot recommend an actual delay time. 



Adjust Time & Date

1. Ensure the device is Unlocked

Once you are in the zone you which to change, press "ENTER"  to accept the setting and move to the next, while "INCREASE" and "DECREASE" will change the value:

2. Press "Time/Date"

3. Hour increment will start flashing. AM&PM are adjusted in another step. Once done press "ENTER"

4. Minute increment will start flashing. Press "ENTER" when you have the time you desire. 

5. AM or PM will start flashing.

6. Year will start flashing.

7. Month will start flashing.

8. Date will start flashing. Pressing "ENTER" will complete the Time and Date Programming. 




You do not need to unlock the device to view the alarm history. Press "ALARM HISTORY" and the most recent alarm will display. Press "INCREASE" or "DECREASE" to cycle through the 8 most recent alarms. 

To clear the alarms, press and hold "ALARM HISTORY" for 5+ seconds. 



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